adult ministries
Classes & Community Groups
At White Oak, We offer Classes and Community Groups for ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. They are Bible-based and are presented in a variety of formats at various times, from Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights at church, to weeknights in people's homes. Click HERE for more information about our current open groups.
Our Bereavement Team seeks to comfort those who have lost family and friends through meals, cards and any assistance needed during their loss.
Brotherhood Men's Ministry
Our Men's Ministry gathers for breakfast the 2nd Sunday of the month at 8am in the Fellowship Hall. Men enjoy a great meal, a time to discuss upcoming events, a time of prayer and devotion. The Brotherhood also helps with community service and outreach projects.
Caregivers - 2nd Tuesdays @ Archer Lodge Community Center
The Caregivers Ministry Team seeks to brighten the lives of our shut-ins and residents in special care facilities who are from our church and community. Our team meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to prepare a delicious meal to be taken to our shut-ins. We also take seasonal gifts to them and to our facility care residents. Each week we feature some of our special people in our church bulletin so they can be remembered with a card, visit or call from our church family. At all times, please keep our shut-ins, facility residents and this ministry in your prayers.
Women's Ministries
The Women of White Oak gather to support various local, regional, and international mission efforts. They often schedule special events for women, which include, a Spring Tea, Paint Night, and attend conferences.